Shoot #6: Adriana

Above are some raw files from my photoshoot today.
Today was my last shoot before I finish creating my book and send it to get printed. I did my shoot with Adriana, and the location was bond university. I was really happy that we used Bond University as the location because I felt like I had been using too many nature areas, and I wanted something more 'industrial' so I'm glad this wasn't completely a nature shoot. I was surprised as to how many good places there were within Bond to take photos. Adriana brought along a whole suitcase of clothes, which was good and bad, good because it meant we had a lot of clothing to work with, bad because we had to carry it around with us to each place we were shooting. It also meant that everytime we wanted a outfit change we had to walk all the way back to the bathrooms carrying the suitcase around with us. Firstly we started of by using a patch of flowers and I styled Adriana in a cream dress, because I wanted these pictures to be really elegant and pretty, and I thought the dress represented that perfectly. Next I got her to wear jeans, heels and a fur vest, and we went to take photos on some steps, but unfortunately it was already getting pretty dark because we were shooting in the afternoon, so the lighting wasn't that great, so those photos didn't turn out very well. So we decided to try and see if the light was better anywhere else, we found some other stairs and took some photos there, but then I decided that all the good lighting was gone and it was best to call it day. Having barely gotten anything done, we decided we'd come back again the next day, which is what we did. We came back the next day at an earlier time to ensure we wouldn't lose any light. We started of by taking some pictures infront of a plain wall, I styled Adriana in a mint coloured sheer top, denim shorts and red lipstick, I loved the way all the colours worked together. Next we went towards some stairs, and I styled Adriana in a long blue maxi skirt, white top, necklace and kept the red lipstick on, I loved the vibrancy of the blue skirt and red lipstick, with the lake in the background, it worked as a beautiful backdrop, combining nature. Adriana's next outfit change was a sheer black skirt, white top and fur scarf, we took some photos infront of a small bridge with that outfit on, and then we made our way to a massive stair case where we took more on the stairs and then some infront of some pillars. I loved the way these pictures turned out, it was a really long and tiring two days however, and this was definitely the most time consuming and long photoshoot I've ever done, but I'm really happy with it, and I think it's the perfect last photoshoot for my personal project!

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