Inspiration & Free Photoshop Curves: Julia Trotti

Lately I've been admiring the photography of 19 year old Sydney sider Julia Trotti. Not only is she an amazing young photographer, already shooting fashion lookbooks, musicians and weddings...she is also willing to help out photographers like myself. I really love her blog, it has so many helpful articles for people to help them reach the best of their capabilities. She has an incredible versatility within her photos, she doesn't stick to one type of style, she can go from doing a shoot at the beach to a shoot at a cemetary, and do both so perfectly. She really is an incredible photographer, and I'm so glad that this personal project process has allowed me to see so many young photographers like myself.

In a few posts back, I spoke about Nirrimi and photoshop curves, I was absolutely in love with the colour tones of Nirrimi's photos, and when I came across Julia's blog, I felt as if her colours were very similar so it made me wonder if she had used 'curves' aswell, and having looked through her blog, it turns out she does, and unlike Nirrimi, she gives them out for free! I was very excited to have seen this, so I downloaded every single one of her curves which she had on her blog. In order to use the curves, you need the latest version of Photoshop, so that was the next thing I downloaded.
I'm extremely excited to try out some of her curves on my photos! The only thing is that I wish I had found out about these curves before I edited practically all my photos, this means I'm going to have to re-edit most of them if I like the way they look with these curves better than the ways I've already edited them. 

an example of one of Julia's curves

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