Title of my Book and Front and Back Cover!

Recently I've been thinking about what I am going to call my book, I feel like this is a really important decision to my final product, as the title will be the first thing that people will see and look at. I don't want to call it something plain and boring like 'Sarushka's Photo's' I wan't it to have a catchy title, and a title similar to what you'd find on a real coffee table book. After having spent ages thinking about it, I have come up with the idea to call my book 'INSIGHT'', I have chosen this as the name for my book because I believe that that's exactly what this book is, it's an insight into what I love, an insight into my love for fashion and photography, and pretty much my world, I thought it was catchy, looked professional, and I really liked the sound of it. Having said that, I had to now decide what I wanted to make the cover page look like. This to me, was harder than choosing the actual name of the book. Initially I had to choose whether I wanted a picture on the front cover of the book or not, after contemplating it for AGES, I decided that it's best not to have a picture on the front, because either people or going to hate what they see or love what they see, its a 50/50 chance of having someone bother to even look at it, whereas if I make the cover plain and simple, people are intrigued about what it's about which leads them to want to look at it. I drew up 3 feasible designs for the front cover in paint, and then chose the one which I liked the best.
Here are the three designs:

I ended up choosing the middle design because I felt like the first design was too simple, whereas the last design was too complex, I liked the simplicity of the middle design, I thought its appearance will be effective in getting people's attention, but not giving too much out about the book just yet.
I didn't want people to look at my book though and have absolutely no idea what it was going to be about, so I decided to include a picture on the back of the book, I didn't want the picture to show anybodies face, and I wanted to stay in the black and white theme, so I ended up choosing a picture from my photoshoot with phoebe and brooke, and I used a picture of phoebe with her almost bareless back facing the camera, I really love this photo and think it suited being on the back of the book perfectly.

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