Photographer Inspiration: Meg Meldrum

Meg Meldrum has become one of my favourite photographers, she is 18 years old, a teenager like myself, and takes incredible pictures. Earlier on I wrote about photographer, Jordan Drysdale, and I like Meg for pretty much the same reasons I like Jordan, because I can relate to her ideas and her work. Meg is a teenager like me, which I guess means were sort of in the same mindset, most aspiring photographers our age like very similar things. I think Meg has an extremely creative mind, and manages to create such amazing photos, without the use of professional equipment, professional studios, professional models, professional makeup artists etc etc. Its these things that make me have respect for her, because it just proves that her talent for taking photos is completely natural, and she doesn't need the use of professionalism to produce amazing photos, it inspires me to work harder, and hopefully produce pictures like her by the time I'm her age. I really love the pictures she takes, because she uses her friends, just like me, and picks random locations, and creates such incredible things from that. I constantly find myself looking through her blog Tattoos and Teacups and gaining inspiration from her work, because I can look at her ideas, and see myself being easily able to recreate that, which usually isn't the case with big editorials in fancy magazines.Although with people like Mel and Jordan, it is alot easier for them to find good locations as they live in Melbourne, which offers a lot more places to take pictures.  Here is some of Mel's amazing work:
mil + sho

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