Photographer Inspiration: Nirrimi

'We Live Young' would have to be one of the most incredible blogs I have stumbled upon, the pictures which 19 year old photographer, Nirrimi takes, have left me breathtaken. It was only this weekend when I first saw her blog, and I was looking through the pictures right into the early hours of the morning, I just wanted to see more and more. At her age, she has accomplished half the things I want to do in my photography career, she has shot campaigns, travelled around the world shooting pictures for different agencies, brands, people etc and she hasn't even reached her twenties yet. Nirrimi's photo taste isn't identical to mine, but her talent is what leaves me so breathless, she can capture the true beauty of anything so perfectly, and every picture is incredible. I love her pictures because their so 'delicate' and even though I'm usually attracted to things a bit more raw and edgy, I just find her pictures so beautiful. She has really and honestly inspired me and proven to me that you can accomplish anything you want if you believe in your self and your photos. Looking through her blog, I discovered she uses what is known as 'Curves' to adjust the colour tones of her pictures, the colours of her pictures is one of the main things which attracted me to the pictures, so these curves really had me interested, after looking into it, I realised that she charges money in order to be able to use her photo curves in photoshop, which left me a little dissapointed, because I would love to have tried them on my photos, I'm going to download a trial of photoshop soon, and try and attempt to use curves myself, but having not alot ot experience with photoshop, especially with something so complex, I think I will probably have a bit of trouble. Here are some of Nirrimi's incredible photographs:

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